No, That’s Not THE Bad Thing

Bad things been happening. Monday afternoon the cold started. No not a temperature drop though that happened too. Major league, even All Star worthy, head cold. Been at it four 4 days. Sneezing, can hardly breath, headache from the sneezes, can’t think straight, over the counter crap doesn’t even dent it, can’t sleep at night, mother of a head cold. Been here for 4 days. I am MISERABLE. Still have to work. What is a sick day if you are already working from home? (another blog post). And that’s not THE bad thing.

Tuesday night I am doing my nightly stuff 2 pills down the cat’s throat routine and I get sloppy; she chomps down hard and draws blood. By the next day it’s puffy and red and hurts. And that’s not THE bad thing.

It’s Friday evening. I was supposed to be on a romantic weekend with my wife. Our first attempt at a night away since being vaccined [Please don’t comment that the proper word is vaccinated. I know. I like vaccined better and it’s my blog.] Instead I am still sick as a dog at home and she is with a good friend in Holland, Michigan at the Tulip festival. I am home with the cat. The one who bites me. And guess what. Yup, you know.

So what does a guy who is alone, sick but ambulatory do on a Friday night. He heads to the Walgreens with the intention of picking up his antibiotics (for the bite, not the cold), get a tetanus shot and a COVID test (just in case the cold is more than a cold; after all it is still pandemic time). That my friends is good living.

However, turns out the COVID test needs to be scheduled – there is no one in line behind me at the pharmacy – and I can’t get the shot and take the meds at the same time. I get to come back two more times. And that’s not THE bad news. (Do you like the way I work the title into the story?) (Do you like the way I talk to the reader or is it merely annoying?)

Ok.It’s time for the big reveal. On top of the Friday night plans I shared above, I had this idea of spending my lonely weekend night with a pour or two of a good bourbon, in the special bourbon glass my friend Ches, got for me while sitting outside enjoying the sunset. Of course antibiotics and bourbon don’t mix. Now THAT is THE bad thing.

I generally agree with the quote, “pain is inevitable but suffering is optional”. It has been a painful week. And, I have chosen to suffer. Too F’in bad. It kinda makes me feel better. Anyone else out there feel the same?